The steps I took localy haven't brought any result. This camp functioning in July 1940 did not leave any memory.
At that time, the "Ecole Spéciale Militaire Interarmes" called ST-CYR d oesn't exist at COETQUIDAN. It will be created in 1945.
On the other hand, one knows that German prisoners were gathered at the end of May 1945 in huts built in 1940 by the English Army at the top of a plate, in a rather desert region.
At all events, the existence of the CAMP AT COETQUIDAN is attested by the card reproduced below. It is addressed to a political internee, Rene PIGOT, whom one find in March 1944 in the Citadel at ST MARTIN-DE-RE.
Letter-card sent 19-7-1940 from VILLENEUVE-SUR-LOT (Lot-et-Garonne), and destinated to the camp at COETQUIDAN.