The camp at Djenien-Bou-Rezg was located close to the Saharan oasis of KENADZA, territory of AIN-SEFRA, in the west of COLOMB-BECHAR.
In 1941, the internees of the CAMP AT ST-SULPICE-LA-POINTE, considered to be very dangerous for the law and order, in particular the communist and union representatives, are transferred to North Africa and, in particular to the CAMP AT DJENIEN-BOU-REZG. The life was particularly difficult there because of the climate. Certain prisoners did not survive.
Letter from GORBIO (Alpes-Maritimes) sent the 4-6-1942 to an internee.
The envelope was opened by the censure of the camp.
Purple rectangular seal: Camp de Djenien-Bou-Rezg - CENSURE